If you want to be inspired, watch these guys at work. I have been following them on Expedition Impossible and I have to say - they have inspired me to tell my whiny little self to just run the damn 5 Km already. Over the last 3 months I have been holding steady with my 4 Km run, 4 times a week.
So on 19-Aug-11, I ran 5 Km. And I ran 5 Km this morning. This is my new benchmark.
PS - there is this crazy skunk (a real skunk) that stalks me every morning at the track. He scared the bejesus out of me the other day... I almost got skunkified (yes I just made that up). So I tell Greggy to run ahead of me and check out whether he is just there waiting for me... and scare him away before I get close to where he is. Bad bad skunk.
On the other hand, I think we are infringing on his territory. He's probably been at the track for a long long time before we came along. I'd be mad too.
And for my final random thought for today, I want to let everyone know that I want to go to Morocco SO BAD.