A few posts ago, I wrote about not having direction for this blog.
I write (wrote) about topics that are of interest to me - I don't need to list those topics out again, because you can tell what interests me just by looking to the right of your screen - see over there ------> where it says "Labels", scroll to just below the ads delivered by Google AdSense.
But Penelope Trunk, who I respect greatly, says that Blogs Without Topics Are A Waste of Time.
Now, I don't know about you, but my time is very precious and I certainly don't want to waste people's time.
So I've decided that I will write about what I'm very good and successful at, which is Project Management.
But not just project management related to my professional work. I will write openly about my experiences in applying project management tools and techniques to my personal life as well.
I'm a big believer that project management can save your life, and maybe even the world, if you:
* Know what you're doing (if you don't know, you can assess and figure it out quickly),
* Are flexible and can adapt your tactics and strategy based on whatever situation you're in,
* Learn from your mistakes,
* Coach and mentor people, and be a catalyst for their success (after all, the success of any Project Manager is dependent on enabling others to be successful).
I'm not really sure where this will go, but having some direction is a start.
Well, this sounds really cheesy.