Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowmageddon 2011 Toronto Mass Hysteria

I found it very amusing that people (including my husband) were having massive panic attacks about today's snow storm. For days now, that's all I heard everywhere - at work, at my chiropractor's, during my dad's birthday lunch on Sunday, in the elevator - like, literally everywhere, every day since last Sunday.

I think it's great... all the snow, I mean.

That's only because I worked from home today. And because I'm not in charge of shoveling. And because it looks very pretty outside right at this very moment.

And now... for the saddest news ever... I have never... not even once... made a snow angel... or snow man... in my entire life. Sigh.

Outside my front door

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Amateur Movie Reviews - 6 - The Rite, Inception

I watched Inception twice: once in the theatre when it was just released and last night at home with Greggy. I still don't see what the big deal is other than the really cool effects, skinny Heath Hedger look-a-like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Eames. I really liked Eames.
The Rite was alright (are you throwing up in your mouth?) and Anthony Hopkins is creepy in the film.

And so are demons. Demons are very creepy and scary, but thank God (yes, pun intended) that I believe there is a higher being that ultimately looks out for the good of all mankind and the universe, including, but not limited to, parallel universes... plus I'm a good person overall, so... I feel somewhat... safe (*gulp*).

I closed my eyes the whole time so I only saw 5% of it. Plus it was set in Rome, and I'm still angry about that whole Roman trip cancellation thing.


I have a feeling I am not 100% human.